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Mad Moose FAQs and Information

How Mobile Service Works

Step 1 - Set up an online appointment on our website

Step 2 - Mad Moose Bikes comes to you to work on your bike

Step 3 - Ride!

Do you have a dispatch fee?

No, Mad Moose Bikes does not have a dispatch fee but does have a minimum visit charge of $50 for Anchorage and a $100 minimum visit charge for Eagle River and Girdwood. That's not $50 or $100 on top of the service and parts. It just means no matter the amount of service, it'll be $50 or $100 minimum. *Pro Tip, don't use this service for a single inner tube install because that becomes a pretty expensive flat fix. 

Do you service E-Bikes?

At the moment, Mad Moose Bikes cannot service E-Bikes. I would like to but for now, the insurance cost to service E-bikes is far too high.

Does it matter if my bike is dirty?

Please be ready with a clean, dry, and preferably poop free bike when I arrive. An excessively dirty bike will be subject to a $30 cleaning fee. 

Do you stock parts too?

Yes! I do my best to keep enough inventory of the most common regular service items such as brake pads, chains, and cables. However, I can't have everything in stock at all times. If I find that I need to special order parts for your bike, I will do everything I can to make your bike rideable until the parts show up, then schedule an installation appointment around your schedule.

What happens if my bike takes longer than expected?

At Mad Moose Bikes, I do my very best to make sure I can work on your bike at your location of choice for your convenience. However, as a thorough mechanic, I find there are some situations in which a bike will need a little more love than the time scheduled, or the job requires a few more tools than fit in the van. If that’s the case, I will notify you and with your permission take your bike to my shop to complete the service, then return your bike to you as soon as possible.

Will you be open in the winter?

Yes! The winter is when some of our best riding is and as long as people are riding, bikes will need to be serviced. That being said, we live in Alaska and as you can probably understand, it’s not that enjoyable to work on bikes in a metal box when it’s ridiculously cold. So, if it’s below 0F, I will notify you and with your permission take your bike to complete the service in the warmth of my shop, then return your bike to you as soon as possible.

I don't live in Anchorage, will you still work on my bike?

Mad Moose Bikes is here to serve the Anchorage community with mobile bike repair. If you are outside of the Anchorage area, send me a message before booking and I'll do my best to make it your way but expect a higher minimum service charge. 

What if I'm not able to be home during Mad Moose service hours?

Mad Moose mobile bike service doesn't need to be done at your home. I can do a service visit at your place of work, at little Timmy's birthday party, or little Sally's soccer game. Mad Moose is happy to work wherever is convenient for you that allows me enough time to work on your bike.

I'm hosting a bike related event, will you come provide bike service?

Please send Mad Moose Bikes a message with information about your event as far in advance as possible. I love to help out at events and will do my best to provide some sort of event support as long as it can fit in my schedule. 

My business has lots of people that ride to work and I'd like to reward them with a tune up. Will you come to our office for a day and service multiple bikes?

Absolutely! This is one of my favorite services! Mad Moose Bikes offers both a "Half Day Service" (up to 5 bikes) and a "Full Day Service" (up to 10 bikes). Please send me a message with your business information, timeline, and number of bikes, along with any questions you may have.

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